The Paradigm Shift of Indirect Translation in Contemporary Video Game Development and Localization


  • Katarína Bodišová
  • Milan Velecký


indirect translation, video game localization, pivot translation, game development


This article aims to introduce new insights into the utilization of indirect translation in video game localization by uncovering a new potential localization process unique to video games. It presents indirect translation as a pivotal way to spread language accessibility in smaller languages and markets, focusing on Japanese video games and their accessibility using English as a pivot language. It offers an overview of the Slovak gaming market and the state of Japanese-to-Slovak translation in Slovakia. It then leads to showcasing indirect translation in video game localization in the past and introduces a new way of integrating indirect translation based on the localization of Final Fantasy XVI.




How to Cite

Bodišová, K., & Velecký, M. (2024). The Paradigm Shift of Indirect Translation in Contemporary Video Game Development and Localization. L10N Journal, 3(1), 33–48. Retrieved from