Technological Advancements in Interpreting: Tools, Trends, and Training


Call for Papers

Edited by Pavol Šveda and Ivo Poláček (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia)

Technological Advancements in Interpreting: Tools, Trends, and Training

L10N Journal Issue (September 2025)

The L10N Journal is excited to announce a special issue dedicated to exploring the dynamic and evolving landscape of interpreting in the age of new technologies. As the fields of localization and interpretation continue to intersect with rapid advancements in technology, this issue will focus on the impact and implications of AI-driven tools, Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI), speech recognition tools, live subtitling technologies, and more.

This special issue aims to gather innovative research and informative articles that address the integration of new technologies in the interpreting profession. We invite contributions that cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • AI-Driven Tools for Interpreters:
    • How AI is revolutionizing meeting preparation, including glossaries, termbases, and content prediction.
    • The role of AI in supporting interpreters.
  • Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI):
    • Practical applications and challenges of RSI in various settings, from conferences to diplomatic negotiations.
    • Technological advancements and their impact on the efficiency and quality of RSI.
    • Dedicated RSI platforms and e-conferencing platforms – differences and client preference
    • Security issues: an impediment to wider deployment of RSI in institutional settings?
  • Computer-Assisted Interpreting (CAI) Tools:
    • The development and application of CAI tools.
    • How CAI tools aid in terminology management, speech analysis, and post-assignment evaluation.
    •  Use of CAI in interpreter training.
  • Speech Recognition and Live Subtitling:
    • The use of speech recognition software to enhance real-time translation and interpretation.
    • Integration of live subtitling tools in hybrid and virtual events.
  • Technological Support in Interpretation:
    • Tools and platforms that assist interpreters in managing cognitive load and maintaining accuracy.
    • Case studies on successful implementations of new technologies in interpreting environments.
  • Portfolio Enlargement through Technology:
    • How technology is expanding the scope of services interpreters can offer.
    • Emerging niches in the interpreting market driven by technological innovation.
  • Teaching and Training Future Interpreters:
    • Incorporating AI, RSI, and other technologies into interpreter training programs.
    • Preparing students for a tech-enhanced interpreting profession.

Please submit your articles via the journal website by 28th February 2025. The author guidelines can be found here. The publication of the issue is planned for September 2025.