Machine Translation Quality Based on TER Analysis from English into Slovak


  • Matúš Nemergut


post-editing, automatic machine translation evaluation metrics, TER, acceptability threshold for post-editing


Translators are facing increased demand for their services and are increasingly required to utilize tools that can help them save time and increase their efficiency. Neural machine translation (NMT) has become the leading technology in the translation industry, and its utilization promises efficiency gains. However, this is not as straightforward as it may seem, and actual efficiency gains depend on a number of variables: the quality of the NMT output, the translator’s skills, time, and the effort the translator expends on post-editing. This paper aims to analyze the number of edits required for the NMT output to meet quality requirements and determining the acceptability threshold of the neural machine translation output for post-editing based on this number. From a methodological perspective, the study uses TER, an automatic machine translation evaluation metric calculating the smallest edit distance required, to assess the number of edits needed. By analyzing samples from two experiments, it was found that with the TER score between 39% and 42.5%, i.e., when 39-42.5% of the machine translation output needs editing, post-editing ceases to be beneficial, and it is more efficient for the machine translation output with such score to be translated from scratch.




How to Cite

Nemergut, M. (2024). Machine Translation Quality Based on TER Analysis from English into Slovak. L10N Journal, 3(2), 60–86. Retrieved from